Signature Wounding: The Silent Epidemic and Legacy of Military Service

PaulHEducation, Hyperbaric, Military, Treatment

by Thomas M. Fox

Signature Wounding: The Silent Epidemic and Legacy of Military Service was presented to the 2nd International Conference on HBOT and the Brain at the request of the chairman of the organizing committee.

The conference sponsored by the Israeli Society for Hyperbaric Medicine (ISHDM) was held November 19-21 2015. It was well attended by scientists, researchers and clinicians from the International Hyperbaric Community.

The subject of signature wounding has generated much discussion through the hyperbaric community and the US Department of Defense. The personal, social and economic impact of this pattern of injury cannot not be understated.

This unique perspective provides an explanation of the potential mechanism of injury- pressure. It also provides the reasoning to explain why hyperbaric treatment continues to provide significant improvements to those treated. Even opponents writing editorials in opposition to this effective treatment modality, concede the improvements seen in study after study.

Click the link below to download the entire PowerPoint presentaton.

Signature Wounding The Silent Epidemic and Legacy of Military Service